For as long as a competitive approach to athletic and physical performance has existed, scientific discoveries and methods have helped athletes gain an edge in terms of being stronger, faster and better than their rivals. The field of exercise and sports science has plenty to contribute on the subject of how the rest of us should approach our workouts and exercise sessions as well. Expert personal training based on scientific methods as well as tried and true traditions can help to provide you with a more streamlined, efficient and effective approach to health and fitness. Here we look at some of the ways science can transform your approach to exercise and personal training.
Function and Performance
By approaching exercise scientifically with the guidance of a qualified personal trainer, you can accurately assess your current level of functionality and performance in order to plan and track your improvement and progress. You don’t have to be an athlete to train with a certified personal trainer, in fact you may have reduced mobility and functionality and need a specific training regime to target and regenerate motor skills and muscle strength. The beauty of working with a scientific approach is that no matter what your current ability and no matter what your goals, your personal trainer can help you find the right approach for your specific needs.
Body Type
Using data such as basic measurements of height, weight and waist circumference, as well as more scientific methods such as body compositional analysis to determine body fat and lean muscle percentage, your personal trainer can attain an accurate and detailed description of your body type, and use this information to build a more individualized and specific training program. Your body fat percentage, musculature, waist circumference and weight to height ratio can all be useful measures for determining the starting point of a personal training program, as well as tracking your progress as you go along.
Connected to your body type, but a unique factor to consider in the scientific approach to personal training, is your metabolism. Certified personal trainers know how to work with your unique body type and metabolism to achieve your fitness and body goals. Certified personal trainers also understand that all bodies are different and unique, so training methods and techniques should also be individually tailored. That is one of the many reasons that working one on one with a personal trainer can produce such outstanding fitness results.
Dietary Needs
Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. That’s why working with a certified personal trainer who has a good understanding of how your workout fits in with the scientific principles of nutrition can help give you an edge when it comes to making changes in your health and fitness. Science has shown that eating particular nutrients such as protein shortly before or after weight based training can help boost your body’s ability to lay down more muscle fibers after your workout. Getting the right individual advice on your nutritional intake while undergoing a personal training program can help you get better results in less time.
Taking a scientific approach to training by working with an experienced, knowledgeable and qualified personal trainer can allow you to make more rapid and sustained progress towards your individual fitness and health goals.