Strength Training in San Ramon – 3Strong Fitness

Team 3Strong at a fitness event

About 3Strong

Rob Medsger was very active growing up. He was a competitive soccer player and has always been intrigued by the different ways that people become and remain healthy. While in college, he realized his true calling was to help others expand and achieve their maximum fitness goals. A constant student, he is continually educating himself on the best ways to help people reach their full potential.

Rob started his career working in another gym. The programs were very structured with very little wiggle room. So regardless of body type, lifestyle, or discipline, every clients program was the same. This is just not a realistic way to help people reach their goals. This is why 3Strong was started!

Are you ready to make some positive changes?
Woman working out at the 3Strong gym


We believe that most workout program fail because they are too complicated. By making them simple, we find that our clients get better results and are more likely to stick to them.
Man doing squats with two kettlebells at the 3Strong gym


We believe that by educating our clients, they will have a better understanding of the journey they have to take, giving them the faith needed to stick to the program.
Group workout class at 3Strong Fitness


Like all journeys, obstacles may arise along the way. Our experience helps us to come from a place of understanding, and show compassion to each of our clients. You will never be alone on your fitness journey. We will always help you to get back up and continue.
Three women working out at 3Strong in Danville


Sometimes clients are too hard on themselves, and beat themselves up. Other times, clients struggle with their own discipline. We exemplify patience for every client and their situation. We care about our clients, unconditionally, and want them to see that no matter how many setbacks they may have, we will be here for them.


Masters Degree in Kinesiology
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (requires BA/BS degree for certification)
Crossfit Level 1 Coach
Crossfit Powerlifting Certification
Crossfit Endurance Certification

3Strong Fitness, Our Commitment to You

At 3Strong we are committed to getting you results and keeping you safe in the process. Working out harder and more often can help you to achieve your goals faster, but it can come with a price. That price is often burn-out and/or injury. Both of which bring your hard work to a screeching halt. On the flip side, you can put too much emphasis on safety, and never really push yourself hard enough to see results in fear that you may get hurt. We WILL challenge you, but we’ll never ask you to do anything outside of your abilities. We know that you have to go to work the next day, so it’s not worth it to put you at risk for an extra rep or those few extra pounds on the bar. We see our custom fitness plan as a way to improve health, not a way to leave your body tired and broken down. That is why we are committed to helping you become the strong capable person you strive to be for years to come.



Rob Medsger was very active growing up. He was a competitive soccer player and has always been intrigued by the different ways that people become and remain healthy.



Phone: (925) 451-4553

Email: [email protected]


09:00 – 19:00

09:00 – 21:00

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