
5 Tips for Finding a Group Fitness Class that’s Right For You


When it comes to making sure your fitness program is one you can stick with, there are few things more beneficial than group fitness classes. Many people find that exercising in a group doesn’t just boost motivation, but also adds enjoyment to their fitness routine. It also helps ensure those with busy schedules can find time to exercise even just a few times a week.

For those who’ve done their fair share of workout classes, picking one is just a matter of preference or convenience. But if you’re new to the world of group workouts, you may feel overwhelmed by the range of choices. Tae Bo, kick-boxing, step classes, spinning, yoga, Pilates, hip-hop—the list may well be endless.

Ask any personal trainer, and they’ll tell you the same thing: finding the best fitness classes for you depends on several things, including what you want to get out of these classes and whether or not they’ll help you achieve your fitness goals. Besides these considerations, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to help narrow down your choices.

1. Keep your current fitness level in mind.

Thereare some group fitness classes that are meant for those who aren’t as fit as they would like. If you’re coming from a sedentary lifestyle, you’ll want to look at classes touted for beginners—as opposed to ones that are more advanced—so that you lower your risk of injury.

For example, you may be better off attending a beginner’s yoga class rather than one offering hot yoga; otherwise, you might end up feeling discouraged because you get tired easily or are struggling to keep up.

Even if you’re not sure whether or not the class caters to beginners, you can ask the fitness trainer if they’re okay having a class made up of individuals with different fitness levels. If they are, then it’s likely that the trainer or instructor will modify any advanced moves for beginners to perform them.

2. Think of activities you enjoy.

Once you have a list of classes that will be challenging enough – but not to the point of exhaustion or injury – consider activities you find enjoyable. If you like dance, for instance, you’ll definitely enjoy a hip-hop or Zumba class compared to spinning. If you view working out as a chore, than it won’t matter how many group fitness classes you’re in; you just aren’t going to look forward to any of them.

3. Find out how big the class is.

Try and find out how many people the class usually holds and if there’s enough space for everyone in the room to move comfortably. Very few people like overcrowded classes, not just because of the stifling feeling but also because they might not get the help they may need at some point. If you’re one of them, try and find out the largest class size the instructor will accommodate. If you’re comfortable sharing space with that many people, then you should be fine.

4. Look at the distance between home or work and the gym or fitness club offering the class.

Or just find out how long it’ll take you to get to the gym or fitness club from home or from work. That way, you’ll know if it’s feasible for you to join your chosen fitness classes then. You don’t want to have to rush to make it to that particular group fitness class on time, right?

5. Ask yourself if you’ll stick with the class.

This is perhaps the most important question of all. How long are you going to keep attending that particular class? Remember: a fitness program won’t be as effective if you’re unable to follow it for very long. Don’t worry, though. If you considered all of the above, then your answer will be a resounding “yes”, regardless of which group fitness classes you choose in the end.

Group fitness classes have been a godsend for decades now—especially for people who need constant motivation and accountability but can’t afford a personal trainer. It’s the perfect solution for people who are looking to kickstart their fitness journey or for relatively fit people who just want to maintain and take care of their long-term help. Regardless of what your reason is, you can rest assured there’s a group fitness class for you.

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